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Advaita Vedanta Re-explored towards Ecological and Dalit Theology
Authorship Description
Dr. John V. Mathew.
Bibliographical Details xxxii, 183 p. 23 cm.
Edition, Place & Publisher 1st ed. New Delhi, Christian World Imprints.
ISBN-10 935148033X
ISBN-13 9789351480334, 978-9351480334
Year of Publication 2015.
Series Interfaith Treasures Uncovered - 4.
List Price
US $ 45.00
Your Price
US $ 40.50
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The book attempts to develop Indian Christian Liberation theologies, i.e., Eco-theology and Dalit theology, based on the insights gained from the study of Relation in Sankara's Advaita Vedanta and carries forward the work done by K. P. Aleaz and Richard De Smet. Sankara through his integral God-World/Human relation provides an epistemological as well as a theological basis for Eco-theology and Dalit theology in the context of ecological liberation and the ongoing struggles of Dalit Identity and liberation. The sanctity of Earth as well as the equality of humankind is presented in this book through Sakara's thoughts. The God-World relation insights in Sankara's thought backs Eco-theology and provides the wider green movements with a comprehensive vision. It also enable us to remove all hierarchy in the social order and antagonism based on caste, culture and religion.

The book affirms that a dialogical relationship and a relational convergence between `Vedantic' theology and Indian Christian theology is made possible in terms of developing Indian Christian Liberation theologies through Sankara's integral God-World/Human relation. This book is a must read for students of Indian philosophy, Christian liberation theology, and for those who are involved in building a Society that will contribute towards removing the antagonistic social order.






1. Sankara's Advaita Vedanta : Some Preliminary Observations

2. Relation in Sankara's Advaita Vedanta

3. The Relevance of Brahman/God-World Relation to Indian Christian Eco-theology

4. The Relevance of Brahman/God-Human Relation to Dalit Theology

Final Conclusion



Dr. John V. Mathew is a member of the Church of South India (CSI), Madhya Kerala Diocese. He began his theological journey from Union Biblical Seminary, Pune (UBS), by completing his Bachelor of Divinity in 2004 and went on to obtain his Master of Theology (Religion) in 2007 and Doctor of Theology (Religion) in 2013 from the Senate of Serampore College (University), India. As part of his secular education, he obtained his Bachelor of Commerce in 1999 from Bangalore University.

At present, he is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Religion, Philosophy and Culture at Allahabad Bible Seminary, Allahabad. He is also the co-ordinator for the Centre for the Study of Indian Culture and Society (CSICS) at Allahabad Bible Seminary. He hails from the state of Kerala and cherishes his life with his wife Preeti and sons Nathan and Ethan.

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