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AM YAHWEH: The Life and Witness of God's People in the Old Testament : A Guide for Theological Students
Authorship Description
Rev. Dr. R. L. Hnuni.
Bibliographical Details xii, 216 p. 23 cm.
Edition, Place & Publisher Ist ed. New Delhi, Christian World Imprints.
ISBN-10 9351485749
ISBN-13 9789351485742, 978-9351485742
Year of Publication 2021.
List Price
US $ 55.00 Vol. 2
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US $ 49.50 Vol. 2
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The Book entitled AM YAHWEH: The Life and Witness of God’s People in the Old Testament is a Two Volume publication consisting of two Subjects in each volume. These are the Senate of Serampore College compulsory subjects required for BD students. Volume consists of (1) The Life and Faith of the People of God, and (2) The Liberation and Formation of the People of God - A Study of the Pentateuch. Volume II consists of (1) Prophetic Responses to the Struggles of the People of God and (2) Hope in Suffering and Joy in Liberation - A Study of Hebrew Poetry and Wisdom Literatures. The subjects are entitled according to the nomenclatures given by the Senate of Serampore College.



Part I
Propehtic Responses to the Struggles of God's People

Chapter 1: Prophecy in Ancient West Asia

1. Terminology
2. The Phenomena of Prophecy Outside Israel
    2.1. Biblical Sources
    2.2. Outside Biblical Sources
3. Comparison of Ancient Israelite Prophecy with that of Ancient West Asia

Chapter 2: Origin of Prophecy in Ancient Israel

1. Introduction
2. Scholars’ Views
3. Biblical Tradition
4. Evaluation

Chapter 3: Non-Literary Prophets (The Former Prophets)

1. Introduction
2. Prophetic Guilds
3. Individual/Court Prophets
4. Individual Prophets
5. Nature and Characteristics of Early Prophecy in Ancient Israel
6. Lifestyle of Early Prophets
7. Popular Attitude Towards Ecstatic Prophecy

Chapter 4: Classical / The Writing Prophets

1. Introduction
2. Conditions of Israel the 8th Century BCE
    2.1. Political Condition
    2.2. Socio – Economic Condition
    2.3. Religious Condition
3. Prophets of the 8th Century BCE

Chapter 5: Prophetic Call and Inspiration

1. The Call
2. Prophetic Inspiration
3. Prophetic Ways of Communication
4. Forms of Prophetic Speech

Chapter 6: Role of Prophets in Ancient Israel

1. In Political Life
2. In Religious Life (Worship)
3. Failure of Worship 39
4. Prophetic Attitudes Towards the Worship and Its Practices
    4.1. Amos’ Attitude Towards Worship
    4.2. Hosea’s Attitude Towards Worship
    4.3. Micah’s Attitude Towards Worship
    4.4. Isaiah’s Attitude Towards Worship
    4.5. Jeremiah’s Attitude Towards the Cult
5. Conclusion

Chapter 7: The 7th Century BCE Prophets

1. The Events at the End of the 7th Century BCE
2. Prophets of the 7th Century BCE Prophets
3. Condition of the People of Israel in Exile: People’s Response to the Fall of Jerusalem and Exile
4. Prophets in the Exilic and Post-Exilic Periods
    4.1. Ezekiel
    4.2. Jeremiah
    4.3. Deutero Isaiah
    4.4. Haggai
    4.5. Zechariah

Chapter 8: Important Themes in the Message of the Prophets

1. Election
2. Covenant
3. Justice and Righteousness
4. Zion Tradition/Zion Theology
5. Yahweh, the God of all Nations
6. Prophetic Understanding of History
7. The Day of Yahweh

Chapter 9: Detailed Study of Deutero Isaiah

1. Authorship
2. Reasons for Separating Chapters 40-55
    2.1. Historical Reason
    2.2. Literary Reason
3. Message of Deutero Isaiah
    3.1. The Sovereignty of God
    3.2. New Creation
    3.3. New Exodus
    3.4. Monotheism
    3.5. Deutero Isaiah’s Attitude Towards Idols

10: The Servent Songs

1. Introduction
2. Identity of the Servant
3. Mission of the Servant

11: Exegesis on Selected Texts


Part II
Hope in Suffering and Joy in Liberation:
A Study of Hebrew Poetry and Wisdom Literatures

General Introduction

Chapter 1: What is Wisdom? Wisdom Tradition in Ancient West Asia

1. What is Wisdom?
2. Wisdom Tradition in Ancient West Asia (AWA)
3. Contradictions in the Wisdom Books

Chapter 2: Wisdom in the Old Testament

1. Definition
2. Perspectives of Wisdom
3. Aspects of Wisdom
4. Literary Types of Wisdom
5. Concern of Wisdom
6. Characteristics of Old Testament Wisdom
7. Wisdom’s Claim to Authority
8. Israelite Wisdom is Rooted in Reverence and Commitment to God

Chapter 3: Social Location of Wisdom Tradition

1. Scholars’ Views
2. Qualities of the Wise

Chapter 4: Hebrew/Israelite Poetry and Its Characteristics

1. Poetry in Ancient West Asia
2. Hebrew/Israelite Poetry
3. Unique Features of Hebrew Poetry
4. The Nature of Hebrew/Israelite Poetry
5. Characteristics of Hebrew Poetry
6. Imagery and Symbolism
7. Chiasm
8. Acrostic Poems
9. Types of Poetry

Chapter 5: The Book of Psalms

1. Meaning of Psalm
2. Authorship and Date
3. Different Types of Psalms
4. Importance of Psalms
5. Superscriptions

Chapter 6: The Book of Proverbs

1. Authorship and Date
2. Purpose and Teaching
3. The Nature of Proverb
4. Features of Proverbs

Chapter 7: The Book of Job

1. Introduction
2. Authorship and Date
3. The Message of the Book of Job: What Important Message and Lesson Do You Find in the Book of Job
4. Doctrine/Dogma of Retribution
5. Reading the Book of Job From the Perspective of Liberation

Chapter 8: The Book of Lamentation

1. Introduction
2. Authorship and Date
3. Structure
4. Themes
5. Message and Significance

Chapter 9: The Book of Ecclesiastes/Qoheleth

1. Canonical Status
2. Terminology
3. Authorship
4. Qoheleth’s View of Life
5. Question on Original Words of Qoheleth
6. Interpretation

Chapter 10: The Song of Songs

1. Introduction
2. Nature of the Song
3. Characteristics
4. Effect of the Rhetoric
5. Interpretation of the Song of Songs
6. Metaphors

Chapter 11: Exegesis on Selected Texts

1. Exegesis on Psalm 1
2. Exegesis on Psalm 2
3. Exegesis on Psalm 19
4. Exegesis on Psalm 24
5. Structure
6. Exegetical Notes
7. Theological Implication
8. Exegesis on Psalm 47


Rev. Dr. R. L. Hnuni is a Professor of the Old Testament with many years’ teaching experience of both Biblical Hebrew and Old Testament since 1979. She has taught at Aizawl Theological College, Aizawl; Eastern Theological College, Jorhat, Founder Principal of Academy of Integrated Christian Studies, Aizawl till her retirement in 2013. She became the Principal of Calcutta Bible Seminary, Kolkata from 2014- 2017 till her retirement. She is at present Visiting Professor at AICS since 2019. She has authored the following books: 1. The Laws of Ancient Israel: A Hermeneutical Presentation (Professorial Lecture) 2008; 2. Biblical Hebrew: An Introductory Grammar, 1999; 3. Transforming Theology for Empowering Women, (edited), 1999; 4. Vision for Women in India: Perspectives from the Bible, Church and Society 2009; 5. People of God in the Old Testament, Three in One, 2010. She has played important roles as one of the leaders of the Senate of Serampore College in different capacities: Honorary  Treasurer, Senator, member of Coordination Committee and Academic Council from 1997 till her retirement from her ministry with BCM-AICS in 2013.


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