The book provides a synopsis of twelve lectures delivered by Dr. Pierson as part of the
"Exeter Hall Lectures on the Bible" series. They are meant to focus on Spiritual
Faculties, Methods, Organisms, Structure, Progress, Symmetry, Types, Wisdom, Verdicts, and
The author's main aim is to lay down meaningful interpretation of the Bible. This
theological reflection is meant to bring about spiritual discipline and spiritual
awakening in the lives of the readers. It answers different questions surrounding the Old
and New Testaments.
This excellent resource book -- with a detailed table of contents and respective
analysis of various verses -- is a delight for Christian Preachers, Teachers, Catechists,
Presiders and various Christian Denominations & Institutions.
Rev. Arthur T. Pierson (1837-1911) was an American Presbyterian
Pastor, Bible Expositor and Editor of The Missionary Review of the World. Rev. Pierson's
full life included lecturing at Moody Bible Institute and at various other prominent
evangelical colleges in England and Scotland.
He became a Baptist in 1896; and was later positioned as the Speaker at D. L. Moody's
Northfield Conferences and Keswick Convention in England, and Consulting Editor for
Scofield Reference Bible in 1909. He acted as the elder statesman of the student
missionary movement and was the leading evangelical advocate of foreign missions in the
late 19th century. He wrote nearly 50 books, including the biography, George Muller of