This book deals with stress and coping patterns among primary caregivers in the context of the growing population of persons with disabilities (PWDs) and the resulting challenges faced by caregivers in Nagaland. Despite advancements in medical health facilities and the various provisions enacted for PWDs, they have been deprived of their rights, while primary caregivers continue to experience stress due to the higher demand for caring the dependent persons. To deal with the growing stress, primary caregivers often employ various coping patterns such as emotion-focused, problem-focused, meaning-focused, relationship-focused, spiritual-focused, and social support. As family caregivers are the primary units of support for PWDs, the pastoral ministry of the church has ample opportunities to facilitate wholeness in their lives amidst the stressful tasks of caregiving.
Foreword Preface Acknowledgements List of Abbreviations List of Tables
Chapter 1: Introduction and Methodology
A Brief Understanding of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) The Experience of Primary Caregivers of PWDs Theological Foundations Operational Definitions Survey of the Previous Research Objectives of the Research Hypotheses Method of Research Scope and Limitations Outline of the Chapters
Chapter 2: A Theoretical Framework on Disability
Terminological Considerations Definitions Fundamental Rights and Privileges of PWDs Models for Understanding Disability
Chapter 3: Stress and Coping Patterns of the Primary Caregivers
Understanding Stress Types of Stress Causes of Stress Models of Stress Signs of Stress Perspectives on Stress Theory of Coping Patterns of Coping Burden of Caregiving Coping Resources for Stress Management
Chapter 4: Caregiving in the Bible: A Theological Exploration
Theological Understanding of Disability Theology of Care and Caregiving Theological Models of Caregiving
Chapter 5: Analysis of the Empirical Data
Socio-Demographic Variables of Primary Caregivers and PWDs Description of Stress and Coping Patterns of Primary Caregivers
Chapter 6: Major Findings: Examining the Validity of the Hypotheses
Socio-demographic variables of Primary Caregivers of PWDs Socio-demographic variables of PWDs Correlation of Socio-demographic variables of Primary Caregivers and PWDs and their Influence on Stress and Coping Patterns
Chapter 7: Ministry Towards Primary Caregivers of Persons with Disabilities: Implications for Pastoral Care and Counselling
Importance of Pastoral Care and Counselling to Caregivers of PWDs Etymology and Functions of Pastoral Care Situating Integrative Pastoral Care to Caregivers of PWDs in Nagaland Pastoral Counselling Models of Pastoral Care and Counselling for Primary Caregivers of PWDs Models of Counselling to the Caregivers of PWDs Tribal Ethos of Caregiving vis-à-vis Cultural and Religious Resources Suggestions: Way-forward
Suggestions for Future Research Summary
General Conclusion Bibliography
Dr. S. Ekonthung Ezung is from the Lotha Naga community and a bonafide member of Wokha Town Baptist Church, Wokha, Nagaland. He did his doctorate of Theology at the United Theological College, Bangalore. He is an Associate Professor at the Eastern Theological College, Jorhat, and teaches pastoral care and counselling at the BD and master levels.
He has already published a book on Alcoholism among Married Couples: Ministerial Challenges in the year 2014. He has also contributed articles to various reputed academic journals. Currently, he is holding the Dean of Practical Ministry, ETC, Jorhat.