Christian Service is essentially a requirement of Christian faith and an outpouring of Christian love. Christian faith and service are inseparable. Christianity is a communitarian faith and is rightly known for charitable activities. Charity is a hallmark
of Christian faith. Christian service is a voluntary and dutiful commitment for charitable acts without expecting anything in return. Life of a Christian is to be filled with love, compassion and service. Service is not an option but a duty.
This Festschrift Christian Commitment to Service: Faith in Practice contains a collection of articles on Christian service from interdisciplinary perspectives. It reflects on foundations, models and challenges of Christian service and presents recognitions
of the service of a good shepherd and archbishop.
Section A: Foundations of Service
1. The Understanding of Humans in Christianity / Eberhard Schockenhoff 2. Becoming Christ and Serving Others: Call to be a Pastor like Jesus / Jacob Parappally 3. The Kenotc and Life-Giving Jesus in the Gospel of John / Raj Irudaya 4. Self Service
of the Other: Indian Spiritual Traditions / John Peter Vallabadoss 5. Behold, I Come to do Your Will: An Intertextual Study of Hebrews 10:5-7 and Psalm 40:6-8 / Yesu Karunanidhi 6. The Infancy Narrative as a Prelude to the Resurrection (Luke
2:41-52) / Joseph Lourdusamy 7. Human Dignity in Catholic History: Foundation and Motivation for Universal Service / J. Charles Davis
Section B: Models of Service
8. Mary, a Symbol of Christian Unity / S. Santiaga Raja 9. Pope Francis as Pastor: A Model for Ministers in the Church / Michael Amaladoss 10. Companion of Refugees / A. Kulandai Samy 11. Human Affectivity and Spiritual Integration / Charles
Alphonse 12. Humility Science and Humility Theology for Holistic Humanity / S. Stephen Jayard 13. Love at the Service of Others: Social Justice Perspective / Jeevaraj Lourdhu 14. Amicable Relationship and Mutual Collaborations with the Religious
Congregations for Collective and Effective Ministries / M. John Diraviam 15. Law and Love: Norms for Buiding Communities / Sahayaraj Lourdusamy
Section C: Challenges of Service
16. Hindutva Ideology and Agenda: A Democratic, Christian Response / V. Devasahayam 17. A Sign That Will Be Opposed: An Attempt to Unearth Reasons for the Attack on Christians in India / Nishant A. Irudayadason 18. The Indian Constitution and the
Intervention of the Archbishop for a Fair and Healthy Democracy / Anandam Lourdu
Section D: Recognitions of Service
19. Archbishop Antony Pappusamy: A Great Visionary, A Tall Leader and the Architect of Dindigul Diocese / P. Maria Joseph Christie 20. Significant Contributions of the Pastoral Theologian and the Inspiring Shepherd Archbishop Antony Pappusamy to the
Building of Dindigul Diocese / Jeevaraj Lourdhu 21. Archbishop Antony Pappusamy: An Inspiring Priest / J. Charles Davis
Authors of the Articles
J. Charles Davis is a postdoctoral Humboldt Research Fellow at the Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg. He has a Doctorate in Theology from the Jesuit University of Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt. He has been a Professor of Moral Theology
and Bioethics at the Pontifical Athenaeum of Philosophy and Theology, Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth, Pune. He is a Priest of the Catholic Diocese of Jammu-Srinagar and a Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life in the Vatican City.
Jeevaraj Lourdhu is a Professor of Moral Theology and has been Registrar and Administrator of the House at St. Paul’s Seminary, Tiruchirappalli. He has a Masters in Theology from St. Paul’s Seminary, Tiruchirappalli and holds
a Masters in Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion and a Doctorate in Moral Theology from the Catholic University of Leuven. He is a Priest of the Archdiocese of Madurai.