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As you have Sown So shall you Reap : Exegetical-Theological Study of Galatians 6:7-10
Authorship Description
Rev. Dr. Walter D'Souza.
Bibliographical Details xiv, 154 p. 23 cm.
Edition, Place & Publisher 1st ed. New Delhi, Christian World Imprints.
ISBN-10 9351486427
ISBN-13 9789351486428, 978-9351486428
Year of Publication 2022.
Series Biblical Hermeneutics Rediscovered - 51.
List Price
US $ 50.00
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US $ 45.00
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'As you have Sown So shall you Reap,' is a book about clarifying the true understanding of the 'sowing-reaping analogy’ that is presented in the book of Galatians. It also presents itself as a resource book to those who desire to do research in a methodical manner. The process of unravelling of the text of Gal 6:7-10 can be a model for other upcoming researchers to emulate. This work is done under the able guidance of Dr. Lucien Legrand (MEP) whose right academic direction in exploring the text has emerged in this successful venture.


Abbreviation List

Chapter 1: Situating Galatians


1. Historical Context
2. Social Context
3. Religious Context
4. Political Context
5. Philosophical Context
6. General Context
7. Literary Genre
8. The Exhortatio within the Structure


Chapter 2: Approaching the Text


1. Delimitation of the Text
2. Context of Gal 6:7-10
3. Literary Form of Gal 6:7-10


Chapter 3: Textual Analysis and Interpretation


1. The Text and Textual Criticism
2. Structure of Gal 6:7-10
3. Textual Analysis


Chapter 4: Interpreting Pauline Theology in Galatians 6:7-10


1. Pauline Theology
2. Christological Traces in Gal 6:7-10
3. Pauline Eschatology
4. Ethics of Paul
5. Role of the Spirit in Pauline Theology
6. Pauline Ecclesiology


General Conclusion
Appendix 1: Edict of Claudius as Stated by Josephus
Appendix 2: Imperial Cult in Galatia
Appendix 3: Various Structures of the Letter to the Galatians


Rev. Dr Walter D'Souza, a Catholic Priest from the Archdiocese of Bombay is on the teaching staff at St Pius X Seminary, Mumbai and visiting professor at Jnana Deepa Pontifical Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Pune. He professionalizes in Biblical Theology and Biblical Languages. Along with his Doctorate he also holds Masters in English Literature, Sociology and Philosophy and a Certificate in Performing Arts Theatre as well. He has been an Assistant Parish Priest, Assistant Youth and Vocation Director, and the Rector of the Minor Seminary in the Archdiocese of Bombay.


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