The book attempts to give what might be called a bird's-eye-view of Catholic religion,
as developed under "the providence of God and the folly of man"; also presenting
simultaneously interrelation of these facts to each other and to human life. The author
deals with the theme in the language of daily experience and with a view to practical
Inter-alia, the first part briefly touches upon the religious needs and ideals of
humanity--often vestiges of great truths that suggest a lost inheritance of
knowledge--perceived by poets and philosophers, expressed by them beautifully but darkly,
without the sureness and fullness of revealed truth: and so leads upto the historical
facts of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ and the supernatural revelation perfected in Him.
The second part deals with the Christian Church, its origin and authority as a society
and a teacher, and its relation to the Bible and to the religion of Christ. The third part
deals with the practical and ultimate work of the Church, in the Sacraments that
consecrate the several stages of the Christian's life. The fourth part presents a
perspective sketch of the history of the Christian religion from its origin to the present
This grounded presentation ends with a brief `Chart of Historical Data', clipped by an
elaborate `General Index', thereby covering subjects like History, Christian Studies,
Biography, Philosophy, and Biblical exegesis; meant equally for Scholars, Researchers,
Historians, Philosophers, Christian Laity, Church Clergies, Institutions, libraries and
lay readers who wish to understand & strengthen the profound insights of the religion
in a lucid language.
Rev. Charles Alfred Martin (1874-?) has also authored `Cana, or,
Little Chapters on Courtship, Marriage, Home'.