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Empowering Women's Discipleship and their Participation in Mission : An Exegetical and Theological Analysis of John 20:1-18
Authorship Description
Sr. Sylvie (Carmine) Rodrigues.
Bibliographical Details xxxiv, 282 p. 24 cm.
Edition, Place & Publisher 1st ed. New Delhi, Christian World Imprints.
ISBN-10 9360656771
ISBN-13 9789360656775, 978-9360656775
Year of Publication 2024.
Series Wisdom Research Series - 4.
List Price
US $ 55.00 (Ubd.)
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US $ 49.50 (Ubd.)
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General Introduction

Chapter 1: Literary Analysis of John 20:1–18


1.1. The Delimitation of the Text (Jn 20:1–18)
1.2. The Literary Unity of the Text
1.3. The Literary Setting of the Text
1.4. Textual Criticism of John 20:1–18
1.5. Criticism of the Source, Composition and Redaction (Jn 20:1-18)
1.6. The Literary Form
1.7. The Literary Structure (Jn 20:1-18)


Chapter 2: An Exegetical Study of John 20:1–18


2.1. Unearthing the Tomb (Jn 20:1–10)
2.2. Faith Shining (Jn 20:11–18)

Exegetical Conclusion

Chapter 3: A Narrative Analysis of John 20:1–18


3.1. The Narrator
3.2. The Narratee
3.3. The Narrative Elements of the Text (Jn 20:1–18)
3.4. Author and Readers’ Analysis in the Narrative
3.5. Analysis of the Plot (Jn 20:1–18)
3.6. The Narrative’s Characters (Jn 20:1–18)


Chapter 4: Women Disciples, Mary Magdalene’s Discipleship and Her Role


4.1. Concept of Discipleship
4.2. Women Disciples in the Gospels
4.3. Portrayal of Mary Magdalene in the Synoptic Gospels
4.4. Portrayal of Mary Magdalene in Johannine Gospel
4.5. Role of Mary Magdalene in the Johannine Community and Traditions


Chapter 5: Empowering Women’s Discipleship: A Call for Participation in Mission


5.1. Empowerment, Participation and Mission
5.2. Jesus Empowers His Disciples
5.3. Empowering Women’s Discipleship for Participation
5.4. Empowering Women’s Discipleship for Mission
5.5. The Participation of Consecrated Women in the Church


General Conclusion

Sr Sylvie (Carmine) Rodrigues is a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangaluru. She obtained her Licentiate in Biblical Theology from St Peter’s Pontifical Institute, Bengaluru, and her Doctorate from Jnana-Deepa in Pune. For three years, she served as an animator at Institute Mater Dei and as a Coordinator of Academics. In addition to teaching Sacred Scripture, she also writes articles and presents papers at various institutes and seminaries. She has extensive experience in formation and education. She is currently a visiting professor at St Joseph’s Seminary, Jeppu, Mangaluru.


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