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Dreaming to Be Human Come True : Essays in Honour of Paul Parathazham
Authorship Description
Editor: Nishant Alphonse Irudayadason.
Bibliographical Details xviii, 256 p. 24 cm.
Edition, Place & Publisher 1st ed. New Delhi, Christian World Imprints.
ISBN-10 9395457309
ISBN-13 9789395457309, 978-9395457309
Year of Publication 2023.
Series JD Philosophy Series - 21.
Further Details In Collaboration with Jnana Deepa, Pune.
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US $ 45.00 (Ubd.)
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Dr Paul Parathazham is currently the Director of St John's National Academy of Health Sciences. He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from the Loyola University of Chicago, U.S.A, Masters in Sociology from the University of Pune, Licentiate degrees in Philosophy (L.Ph.) and Theology (L.Th.) from the Pontifical Athenaeum of Pune also known as Jnana Deepa, Institute of Philosophy and Theology. For thirty-one long years (1982-2013) he served Jnana Deepa in different capacities. Besides being the Professor of Philosophy, he also served as Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Head of the Department of Social Sciences, Director of the Postgraduate Program, Director of the Institute of Pastoral Management and Member of the Academic Senate and the Board of Trustees. He was also the Director of Nirmala Centre for Educational, Social and Theological Training (NESTT), Muvattupuzha, Kerala, from 2013 to 2014.

Paul has been a visionary scholar. His research has always been animated by certain dreams he has of what it means to be human. Values like integrity, honesty, transparency are dear to him both in his personal and scholarly life. He has visions for human society with a critical view on the way human society functions today. Being a sociologist, he wants to maintain a congruity between thinking and being. His academic contributions to JDV, to the Church and to the country has been inspirational. There is no better way to honour him through this Festschrift than dreaming along with him. Hence the title of the book Dreaming To Be Human Come True.


Editorial: Paradoxical Humanism

1. To Exist as Human is to be ‘Dreaming’: A Reflective Philosophical Look
    Johnson J. Puthenpurackal

2. From the Just to the Good: Resolving the Aporia through Phronesis in the “Little Ethics” of Paul Ricoeur
    Kuruvilla Pandikattu

3. Renaissance Contributions: In Shaping the Idea of the Dignity of Human Person
    Thomas Kalary

4. Growing in Virtue: From Liberty and Loyalty to Love
    Keith D’Souza

5. Reclaiming Freedom Despite its Denial: A Critical Reading of Harari on Liberty
    Nishant A. Irudayadason

6. Dreaming Democratic India and Making Indians Truly Human
    James Ponniah

7. The Socialist Understanding of Human Dignity: Marx Corrects Kant
    J. Charles Davis

8. Evolution of Equality as a Narrative
    Riya Chutani

9. God Stuck in Enlightenment Prejudices
    Paul Thelakat

10. Modernist Crisis and the Tension between Faith and Reason
      V. Sebastian

11. “Knowing with the Enlightened Eyes of the Heart” - Eph 1:18
      M. Paul Raj

12. The Multiverse of Hindu Engagement with Christianity: Plural Streams of Creative Co-Walking, Contradictions and Confrontations
     Ananta Kumar Giri

13. Liturgy: To Humanize the Faithful
      V. M. Jose

14. Priesthood of all Humans
     Jacob Parappally

15. Power, Desire and Resistance Dynamics and Priestly Formation
     Victor Ferrao

16. A Study on the Manipulating Effects of Surveillance Capitalism on High School and Higher Secondary Students in the Wake of Covid-19 Induced Internet Usage
     Athul Peter

17. Vampires and Violence: Gothic Narratives
      Mahika Mor


Prof. Nishant Alphonse Irudayadason is a Professor of Philosophy and Ethics in the Pontifical Athenaeum of Pune also known as Jnana Deepa, Institute of Philosophy and Theology. After obtaining two doctorates on Ethics and Postmodernity from Université Paris-Est and from Institut catholique de Paris, France respectively, he has been actively pursuing scholarly life. He has authored two books, edited three books and published over 50 scholarly articles both in national and international journals. He has presented papers in many academic conferences both in India and abroad. He is also a visiting faculty in many colleges and universities in India. He is a regular contributor to contemporary political analysis in The Light of Truth, a bimonthly published from Kochi, India. (


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