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Ad Aeternam Memoriam : A Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Dr. Paul Shabor Kalluveettil, CMI
Authorship Description
Editors: Kurian Kachappilly, CMI and Sebastian Mullooparambil, CMI.
Bibliographical Details xxiv, 287 p. 23 cm.
Edition, Place & Publisher 1st ed. New Delhi, Christian World Imprints.
ISBN-10 9395457090
ISBN-13 9789395457095, 978-9395457095
Year of Publication 2022.
List Price
US $ 45.00 (Ubd.)
Your Price
US $ 40.50 (Ubd.)
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Shepherd’s Voice
Bishop Raphael Thattil

A Personal Memoir
Bishop Antony Prince Panengaden

Message: Fr. Paul Kalluveettil: Man with Wisdom for God’s People
Dr. (Fr.) Thomas Chathamparampil, CMI

Message: A Man with A Prophetic Voice
Dr. (Fr.) Davis Panakkal, CMI

Preface: Fr. Paul Kalluveettil CMI: A Rare Life of Prophetic Fire
Dr. (Fr.) Paul Achandy, CMI

Introduction: A Loving Tribute to our Master and Teacher
Fr. Kurian Kachappilly, CMI

1. A Scientific and Creative Methodology to Teach the Word of God
Anto Amarnad, CMI

2. Formation is Transformation
Antony Puthenangady, CMI

3. Worshiping in Spirit and Truth
Benny Thettayil, CMI

4. Feast of Purification and Presentation of Jesus
Biju Thekkekkara, CMI

5. Theological Education for Pluriform Ministries
Cyril Kuttiyanikkal, CMI

6. Samanvaya: Forming Priests: As Missionary Disciples of Jesus Christ
Davis Varayilan, CMI

7. Rev. Fr. Paul Kalluveettil CMI: Evolution of a Historian through Biblical Scholarship
Francis Thonippara, CMI

8. Memoirs of my Confrere, the “Scroll Eater”
Isaac Arickappallil, CMI

9. Fr. Paul Kalluveettil CMI: A True CMI
Jain Thanikkal, CMI

10. Cultural Patterns in the Sacred Scripture
Johnson Vadakumchery, CMI

11. Secularism and its Impact on African Youth and their Future: Revisiting Kalluveettil’s Mission and Evangelization from a Global Perspective
Johny Thachuparamban, CMI

12. Living Water in Indian Cup: A Paul Kalluveettil Perspective
Jojo Parecattil, CMI

13. Patris Corde: A Paradigm for Joyful Priesthood
Jomon Mularikkal, CMI

14. Mission Today: Ad Gentes …, Inter Gentes … or, Cum Gentibus …? In Search of Valid Propositions for a Renewed Understanding of Mission and Evangelization
Paul-Chummar Chittilappilly, CMI

15. Church’s Dialogue with the World: Reception of Gaudium et Spes in the Diocese of Trichur, India 1965-1985
Paul Pulikkan

16. Paul Kalluveettil: A Missionary Flame Shining before Others
Paulachan Kochappilly, CMI

17. The Gospel Model of Evangelisation According to Luke 18:35-43
Peter Kochalumkal, CMI

18. Professor Dr. Paul Kalluveettil, CMI: A Prophet
Sebastian Athappilly, CMI

19. Prof Paul Kalluveettil CMI: A Lover of the Word of God and a Proponent of Lectio Divina
Sebastian Mullooparambil, CMI

20. Fr. Paul Kalluveettil CMI: A Prophet and A Teacher of “Prophets”
Shepherd Thelappilly, CMI

21. The Challenges of Being a Prophet
Tessy Sebastian, SH

22. Fr. Paul Kalluveettil CMI: Glimpses from His Vision for the Ad Gentes Mission and His Practical Contributions
Thomas Chirappurath, CMI

23. On Pascha: Melito of Sardis
Thomas Kollamparampil, CMI

24. Anatomy of the Prophetic Call: My Master’s Voice
Kurian Kachappilly, CMI

Works of Fr. Paul Kalluveettil, CMI
Antony Mannummel, CMI

The Contributors





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