The present book is about Bridging the Gap. We are living in a fragmented world where the gap between the rich and the poor is widened. The powerful and elite dictate the terms and conditions for the powerless and common people. There are pressures and stress among all age groups. This book deals with lessons that address our personal and community life.
The author brought out 157 valuable lessons starting from "Questions in Life" to "Mother's Request: A Heart for Impossible Possibilities." These are lessons drawn from a well of biblical wisdom, personal experience, and ministerial journey. The pressures in life bring treasures of joy, for there is no gain without pain. The "souring moments" are "Soaring movements". So, never ever give up, for quitters quit and the winner wins. God can turn our "Question Marks" into "Exclamation Marks" for He is a God of impossibility.
The author is an ordained minister of CEA. His theological journey started in the year 1992. He has Bachelor of Divinity from Faith Theological Seminary, Manakala; Master of Theology (Old Testament) from Union Biblical Seminary, Pune; and Doctor in Theology (Old Testament) from United Theological College, Bangalore. All these Colleges/Seminaries are affiliated to the Senate of Serampore College (University).
The author served with Gospel For Asia Training Centre (1996-99) as a teacher and Academic In charge; and with Union Biblical Seminary (2018-23) in various positions as HOD (OT), Dean of Postgraduate Studies, and Dean of Doctoral Studies. He is serving at New Theological College, Dehradun (2001-2018; Rejoined 2023). He served in NTC in various positions as Registrar (2003-07), Academic Dean (2012-2016), and Acting Principal (2016-17). He is the author of two books titled, Biblical Law Codes in Creative Tension: A Postcolonial Womanist Reading, and Center and Margin in the Hebrew Bible: A Subaltern Reading, and he has also written and contributed numerous articles in various national and international journals and edited books.
The author is married to Dr. Clara Mathew Shiju [BD; MDiv, MTh (Counselling), D.Min] and they have two children (Dr. Freny Mathew Shiju and Reuel Mathew Shiju).