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Pentecostal Theology of Liberation : Holy Spirit and Holiness in the Society
Authorship Description
Dr. Shaibu Abraham.
Bibliographical Details xii, 108 p. 23 cm.
Edition, Place & Publisher 1st ed. New Delhi, Christian World Imprints.
ISBN-10 9351480127
ISBN-13 9789351480129, 978-9351480129
Year of Publication 2014.
Series Christian Heritage Rediscovered - 6.
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The Book emphasizes on the issue of liberation in the third world countries. To mitigate oppression and exploitation caused, various missions and third world theologies were implemented, out of which Pentecostal Movement had a significant edge. Its stress was on the work of the Holy Spirit in personal and social dimensions of life. The Pentecostal movement took its roots in the beginning of the 20th century. The Movement helped in lessening the feeling of differences between ethnic groups, men and women, rich and poor due to its Spirit-induced revolutionary attitude.

The Author also sets forth the other side of picture by showing a wrong tendency among the Pentecostal believers to segregate themselves from the pertinent issues of the society in the name of holiness thereby creating, though unintentionally, other-worldly image to the Pentecostals.

At the end, the Author believes that the Pentecostal understanding of holiness needs to accommodate the wider dimension of holiness of God - loving relationship, righteousness and justice in the society. It is not separation from the world but separation to God.

This artfully told history offers something for everyone: Historians, Sociologists, Theologists, Eschatologists, Scholars, Christian Laity, Church Clergies, Public & Academic Libraries and Institutions, Students and Researchers, alike.



1. Holy Spirit, Holiness, and Liberation

1.1 Pentecostalism : A Liberative Movement

2. The Liberative Holiness in Pentecostalism

2.1 Historical Roots of the Doctrine of Holiness

2.2 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit for the Empowerment of Mission

2.3 Pentecostal Perspective on Liberation

3. The Liberative Holiness of God

3.1 Historical Roots of the Doctrine of Holiness of God in Prophets

3.2 Holiness through Encounter with the Holy God

3.3 Prophetic Witness

3.4 Theology of Holiness in Prophetic Perspective

4. The Pentecostal Theology of Liberation

4.1 Believers as a Community of Prophets

4.2 Holiness as Relational

4.3 Holiness as Wholeness

4.4 The Holy Spirit and Wholeness




Dr. Abraham holds BA (sociology), BD (Union Biblical Seminary, Pune), MTh (Gurukul Lutheran Theological College and Research Institute, Chennai) and PhD from the University of Birmingham, UK. He is a faculty in Manchester International Christian College in UK and also an ordained minister of the New Testament Church of God, UK. Earlier, he was a senior lecturer in Christian theology at Filadelfia Bible College, Udaipur and extensively worked as a missionary pastor in cross-cultural settings. He is specialised in Pentecostal and Charismatic Theology, especially in systematising the theological understanding of ordinary believers.

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